Monday, July 11, 2011

I Will Follow You

So, anyone else have this "problem"?  Your pet is like a kid, "Mommy, what are you doing?  I want to do it, too!"

It's cute and annoying all at once.  Hahaha!  And the cuteness keeps me from getting mad.  She's a smarty!


  1. When our cats do this we call them "our little helpers", hehe :) Trixie is such a cutie!

  2. Our cats rarely do this...the only times they meow and beg for attention are when they're hungry or they just want some of what we're eating.
    Val sometimes insists on sitting on my lap while I'm at the computer, but not that often.

  3. @Amy
    Aww, "our little helpers" is too cute! I'm going to call Trixie that now. (Side note: She is, of course, on the desk next to me while I type this and she just sneezed all over me! LOL)

    I know and it seems weird to me!
    Aww, Val's a softie! :)

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