Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Cats are My Babies

So, I'm sure that many of you pet-lovers out there feel the same way I do, that your pets are like children to you.  You love them in crazy, obsessive ways like parents sometimes do with children, you take too many pictures of them and/or you talk about them more than those around you would like.  I remember before getting my two cats that I would get SO BORED when my friend told stories about her dog, Brutus.  I would roll my eyes and check-out for part of the story.  And then there's this baby voice that she does with him!  Ukk!  But now that I have my babies, I DO THE SAME THING!  I tell stories about them all the time and I do a silly, high-pitched voice that I use only for my cats.  ROFL!

So, allow you to introduce you to my first baby, Beatrix (Trixie for short).

I found her on craigslist when I was going through some really rough stuff and had become rather depressed. And so I impulsively messaged her previous owner saying that I would take her.  The owner described her as very social and in need of more attention than she could give her.  I thought, how perfect!  I got Trixie on a Thursday (my favorite day of the week) and she hid under the couch her first night at the apartment.  Here's a picture of her from the first day I got her.
The food and water bowls her previous owner gave me.  I hope that it would help her to have something from her last home in the new home with her.  I don't know if it did help, or if she's just fast at adjusting to new places, but within a week she was comfy as could be in the apartment, following me around, talking to me (of course I respond, often with, "Tell me about it!" cuz that's kind of my catch phrase for some reason, lol) and begging for treats.  She doesn't always want to snuggle up to you when she's sleepy, but I'm always delighted when she does!

Tomorrow, I'll tell the story of how Trixie's life was forever changed by a poor, but lovable stray, whom we named Draco.


  1. ...Guilty. I totally talk to my cats (Gracie especially). I was never a cat person, Jon was-- but my how that has changed. I never thought I could love something small & furry so much!

    I loved hearing the beginning of Trixie's story & I can't wait to hear more :)

  2. Haha! Sometimes it's fun to be found guilty! I'm so glad to find that talking to your pets is not as odd as I had first imagined!

    I'm excited to write more! There's so much to it!
